Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Subconscious Mind - Check How Much You Know About it!

It is really impressive the volume of data your subconscious mind has the capacity to store. Its capability is almost limitless. Actually the mind is so powerful that it can retain all the moments of your life.
From time you attain the age of 21, you have completely stored several hundred times the contents of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica.

By using modern techniques such as hypnosis, any person is able to access its past with a vivid memory. Your unconscious memory is almost best. The wary part is about your conscious being able to access all this data.
One of the functions of your unconscious is to store data, the other is to restore and access it. When your unconscious works safely and securely it does what it is programmed to do. Your subconscious mind makes whatever you say and do suit a design consistent with your self - concept.

Your subconscious mind is subjective. Put it simple we can assume that your subconscious is a slave and your conscious mind is the master who control it. It is like your conscious is the driver of a big and fancy automobile able to explore landscapes beyond believe and your subconscious is that car, it will be the tool that can make the driver explore what he wish.

The subconscious mind obeys and the conscious mind commands

Your subconscious mind is an unquestioning servant that works night and day to produce your conduct fits a pattern consistent with your emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and wishes. The thoughts you imprinted on your subconscious mind can have positive or negative outcomes, it is like you have the power to choose between flowers or weeds to plant in your backyard.

Your subconscious mind is able to store all your habits of thinking and acting. All comfort zones have been memorized and the unconscious works to keep you there.

Your subconscious mind forces you to feel emotionally and physically uncomfortable whenever you try to do anything new or diverse, or to alter any of your established patterns of behavior.

Your subconscious can be felt by you pulling you back toward your comfort zone every time something new is tried by you. Your subconscious mind can make you feel tense and uneasy even when you are thinking about doing something different from what you’re accustomed to.

Once you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable doing new things you can to get out of your comfort zone which by way is how you can grow. If it is worth doing well, it is worth doing badly until you get a feel for it, until you develop a new comfort zone at a new, higher level of skills.

Looking into your Subconscious Mind

If the information about driving is saved in to your subconscious mind it is stored as a program. Your head is a pc and the advice is software that may be run automatically whenever needed.
A large amount of problems in our personality can be attached by programming the subconscious mind with new programs and patterns.

Hypnosis is a great alternative to reprogram our subconscious mind. By repetition the subconscious can learn better than by using logic. By repeating your argument again and again you can even convince someone to believe in your ideas with more ease than using logic.
Feelings are no more than communications sent by your subconscious mind so as to inform you about something.

Your life skills is likely to improve and you will certainly achieve much more control over your emotions if you learn how to make the best use of the cooperation between your conscious and subconscious mind.